Friday, January 16, 2009

Direct mpet import ^_^'

I found a way to directly import mpet files into 3DS Max but I need to rewrite all the plugin.
This method should allow me to import animations and entire courses, but I need a serious amount of time to do this.

Estimated release: "When it's done" ^_^'


Anonymous said...

o_O if you ve found! that mean it's not my Idea i ve give to you o_o...!
I'll check it!

Anonymous said...

It'll be based on Python and that should allow me to create a plugin for Blender too

Anonymous said...

Hey any chance this could work with Cinema 4D? I know 3DS and Cinema 4D can work together but no idea if this will or not =\

Anonymous said...

This would be really great. Right now MPETMQO is really kludgy and terrible. No batch conversions? Euch!